The Community Foundation exists because people just like you saw a need in our community and wanted to do something about it! Some give to existing funds and other choose to start their own fund. Anyone can give to the Community Foundation and help create the kind of community where giving back is a way of life.
There are a variety of ways to make a gift besides cash. You can make a gift of stocks, bonds, real estate or other assets. Each year, we even accept gifts of grain through our "Crops for Kings" Scholarship campaign for the Lewis Cass Scholarship Fund!
Charitable gifts to the Community Foundation are tax deductible as prescribed by federal law.
How to Establish a Fund
You are probably just like many of our donors. You care deeply about a cause, an idea, or are passionate about a goal that helps others. Creating your own fund is easy and lasts forever, leaving a legacy for the next generation. Here are the basics but for additional personalized details, contact Deanna Crispen, President by email at dcrispen@casscountycf.org or by phone 574.722.2200.
You make a gift to the Foundation of cash, appreciated stocks, real estate or other assets.
We work with you to establish a special fund in your name, the name of your family or business or in honor of any person or organization you choose. Your gift is placed into an endowment that is invested over time and you may receive tax benefits in the year your gift is made. Your gift, along with the future earnings from the gift become a permanent resource for our community---helping us to "create the community we want."
Based on the type of fund you chose, you may be able to stay involved and provide input and advice in the good works your gift makes possible.
And the best part of all is we specialize in taking care of all the administrative details.
The foundation understands that contemporary philanthropists want to make their giving as simple and effective as possible. Joining forces with the CCCF offers the donor simplicity, flexibility and maximum tax advantages. Your investment will benefit from the Foundation's staff, experience, knowledge and resources. Our primary goal is to enable your gift to reach its potential -— today and well beyond your lifetime.
The foundation welcomes inquiries and will gladly work with attorneys, accountants and financial advisors to meet your charitable goals. The following are the types of gift options to consider:
Cash Gifts: This option is simple, fast and flexible. You can set up a fund in your name with the Foundation and add to it whenever you choose. It can be an effective vehicle when you want your donation to make an impact on a specific cause during your lifetime. All cash contributions offer immediate tax deductions and may be deducted up to 50% of your adjusted gross income with any unused amount carried over for up to an additional five years. (Consult your tax advisor.)
Appreciated Property: When designated as a gift, the donation of securities or real property can often provide important tax advantages. The full market value of your gift can generally be deducted without recognizing income on the gain from your real cost. Contributions of appreciated property owned more than one year may be deducted up to 30% of your adjusted gross income with any unused amount carried over up to an additional five years. (Consult your tax advisor.)
Bequests: This gift alternative takes a variety of different forms. As an enduring symbol of your generosity, a bequest supports the changing needs of our community for generations. A bequest can be a specific lump sum of money willed to one of the Foundation's endowment funds or your own named endowment fund. It can also take the form of a percentage of your estate or a piece of property. In addition, the Foundation can be identified as the residual beneficiary of your estate, as the recipient of a specified gift, a contingent beneficiary or as the ultimate recipient of the assets of a charitable remainder trust. (Consult your tax advisor.)
Charitable Remainder Trusts: This planned giving strategy is ideal for donors who want to provide a life income for themselves, their spouse or children. The tax benefits for this type of trust are substantial. Upon the donor's death, the assets go to the Foundation and benefit the community for years to come. (Consult your tax advisor.)
Charitable Lead Trusts: Your estate can take care of you, your children and grandchildren when you establish a Charitable Lead Trust. A portion of your estate is entrusted now with the income going to your fund for a specified number of years. This avenue is an effective way to reduce estate taxes. When the income is needed by your family members, the trust is terminated and the assets are directed toward their benefit. The community has reaped the reward of your gift for the years that the trust was in effect. (Consult your tax advisor.)
Life Insurance: Many overlook the value of a life insurance policy later in life. It is actually a creative avenue for charitable giving and can be an inexpensive way to make a substantial contribution to the Foundation. Name the Foundation as the owner and beneficiary and you are entitled to a tax deduction equal to the value of the policy. (Consult your tax advisor.) Any future insurance premiums are also deductible as charitable gifts. The Foundation has a special life insurance program called Endow Your Legacy. (Consult your tax advisor.)
Private Foundations: Your private foundation can transfer all or part of its assets to the Community Foundation. Our staff will manage your funds and carry out your philanthropic vision. Your funds will benefit from our size and scope and you will enjoy reduced administrative costs, maximized giving and the knowledge that your foundation?s work will be recognized by future generations. (Consult your tax advisor.)
Retirement Plans: If you give to charities on an annual basis and are in the process of planning for your retirement, consider the many benefits of planned giving. A charitable bequest or IRA often turns out to be the best opportunity to give to worthy causes. A bequest on your behalf can prevent your IRA or qualified plan from becoming a liability to your estate, and the gift is made with pre-tax dollars. A careful plan could spare your family considerable estate and income taxes. (Consult your tax advisor.)
Community Funds for Cass County
Grusenmeyer Family Unrestricted Endowment
Kroeger Funeral Home Family Unrestricted Endowment
Logansport/Cass County Morning Kiwanis Club Endowment
Steve and Heide Sims Family Unrestricted Endowment
Jack and Linda Baker Family Unrestricted Endowment
Mike Anderson Family Unrestricted Endowment
Robert Gharis Unrestricted Endowment
Charles & Phyllis Kingery Unrestricted Endowment
CCCF Board Member Unrestricted
Edwin H. Becker Family Unrestricted Endowment
Kylan Ashlan Costello Family memorial Unrestricted Endowment
Dr. George Myers Community Unrestricted Endowment
Logansport and Eel River Railroad Museum, Inc. Endowment
Cass County Heritage Unrestricted Endowment
Cass County General Unrestricted Endowment
Bill and Flo Edson Unrestricted Endowment
Salin Bank and Trust Company Unrestricted Endowment
Andrew and Amy Miller Unrestricted Endowment
Oliver and Jean Groteluschen Community Fund
Judge Norman L. & Ruth B. Kiesling Unrestricted Endowment
The Price Family Community Fund
Steinberger Community Fund
Justin M. and Phyllis M. Druck Family Unrestricted Endowment Fund
Judge Rick Maughmer Family Community Fund
Rebecca Baer Unrestricted Endowment
Donor Advised Funds
Steve and Deanna "Berkshire" Crispen Family Fund
Community Pride Fund
Jack and Mary Regan Fine Arts Award Endowment
Busard Family Endowment
Terry Girls Legacy Endowment
Bob and Sandy "Bradfield" Grandstaff Family Endowment
Welsh Family Endowment
The Kroeger Family Endowment
Duesterberg Memorial Family Endowment
Denham Family Endowment
Chapman Family Endowment
Security Federal Savings Bank Endowment
Platte Youth Philanthropy Endowment
Baker Family Endowment
Daniel C Anderson Endowment
Kathryn Anderson Props Endowment
Richard & Rose Gates Educational Endowment
Designated Funds
Bill & Doris Fouts Memorial Endowment
Cass County Honor Guard Endowment
Paul P. Kroeger Endowment for Global Studies and Education
Julian and Sue Ridlen Endowment
Cass County 4-H Legacy Endowment
Weekday Religious Education of Cass & Fulton Counties Endowment Fund
The AIM Endowment Fund
Cass County Arts Alliance Endowment
Cass County Reading Railroad Endowment
Mabel E. Patty Endowment
Tom Morris Family Endowment
Libby Hillis Tuthill Endowment
LAA Sydor Operating Expense Endowment
Michael A. Wolfe Endowment
Cass County Humane Society
Paul and Helen Young Endowment
Betty Scagnoli Memorial Woodlawn Center Endowment
LCSC Educational Enhancement Endowment
Edwin H. Becker Family Endowment for Cass County Family Y
Edwin H. Becker Family Endowment for Culver Education Foundation
Edwin H. Becker Family Endowment for First United Methodist Church
Edwin H. Becker Family Endowment for Lake Maxinkuckee Environmental Fund
Little Turtle Waterway Plaza Maintenance Endowment
The Blank Family Endowment
United Way of Cass County Operating Endowment
Church of the Good Shepherd Endowment
Cass County Family Y Endowment
Angelos K. Chogas Memorial Endowment
Chogas Family Memorial Flower Endowment
Four County Counseling Endowment
River of Life Christian Church in Memory of Ted Ingmire Endowment
Cass County 4-H Association Endowment
Friends of All Saints School Endowment
Cass County Solid Waste Management District Endowment
Cass County Camelot Foundation, Inc. Endowment
Deane Family Endowment
Cass County Disadvantaged Children's Endowment
The Logansport Professional Firefighters Benefit Burn Out Endowment
Altrusa Faye Riddleberger Memorial Endowment
Logansport Rotary Club Memorial Trust Endowment
Calvary Presbyterian Church of Logansport Endowment
LAA Wilmer Flory Scholarship Endowment
Charles P. Schaefer Designated Endowment Fund
Spring Creek Cemetery Endowment
PAC Arts in Education Endowment
Logansport-Cass County Library Memorial Endowment
Memorial Hospital Foundation Endowment
Cass County Carousel Endowment
Earl C. Fernbaugh Crippled Children's Trust Endowment
Domestic Violence Task Force of Cass County, Inc. Endowment Fund
CCCF Operating Endowment
Security Federal IUK-Purdue Technology Endowment
Kathy Ditmire Endowment for LAA
Logansport Roosters Flag Endowment
Rich & Karen Wild YMCA Youth Membership Endowment
Pass Through Funds
Broken Halos Good Samaritan Pass-Through Fund
Cass County Honor Guard Pass-Through Fund
Southside Gateway Pass-Through
Steinberger Construction Pass-Through
Cass County Roosters Club Pass-Through
Angelos K. Chogas Memorial Pass-Through
Four County Counseling Foundation Pass-Through
Logansport Professional Firefighters Local #470 Pass-Through
Cass County Historical Society Pass-Through Fund
Walton Community Center Maintenance Pass-Through Fund
Scholarship Endowment Funds
Leo & Mary Margaret Scheetz Scholarship Endowment Fund
Dr. Daniel Mordenti Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Elizabeth Billman Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Cpl. Humberto Sanchez Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Back Home Again in Indiana Scholarship
Homer and Marie Baer Scholarship
Haley Marie Begley Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dean and Maryann Berkshire Scholarship Endowment Fund
Lionel Billman Memorial Scholarship
Lance and Cathy Binder Student Athlete Scholarship
Brandstatter Family Scholarship Endowment Fund
Irma D. Bowyer Trust Scholarship
Florence R. Buchanan Scholarship
Callaghan Cross County Scholarship Fund
Cass County Memorial 4-H Scholarship
Richard W. Cassidy, Jr. Scholarship
Cara D. Chambers-Stienbarger Memorial Scholarship
Joseph Conrad Scholarship Fund
Richard and Eileen Copeland Scholarship
Frank and Rhoda Cook Education Scholarship
Leo Crowe Scholarship
Al Dunn Memorial Scholarship
Lenora Ann Ford Memorial Scholarship
Forever85 Scholarship Endowment Find
William A. Frushour and Valerie M. Frushour Scholarship
The Roberts-Gaal Family Scholarship
Richard & Rose Gates Pioneer Scholarship Fund
Richard W. Gohl Track and Field Award Scholarship
Jacob Graf Memorial Scholarship
William C. and Margie L. Grusenmeyer Family Scholarship
Charlie Hamm Golf Scholarship
E. James Hayes Scholarship Fund
Bonnie L. Heckard Memorial Scholarship
Fred Herrick Award Scholarship
Ivy Tech Scholarship
Ed Johnson Memorial law Enforcement Scholarship Endowment
Carolyn Killian Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Marjorie Kime Medical Scholarship
Charles W. and Phyllis J. Kingery Scholarship
LaSociete 40&8 Cass-Fulton Voiture Scholarship
Lewis Cass Scholarship Endowment
LHS Class of 1973 Scholarship
Logan City Ice/Heckard Family Scholarship
Logansport Roosters Club Shawn Hensel Memorial scholarship
Marschand Family Scholarship Fund
John A. Marocco Memorial Scholarship
Lois Jean McCrea Nursing Scholarship
Clifford and Esta McKee Scholarship
Dorothy Moore Memorial Scholarship
Donna G. Michael Memorial Scholarship
Michael Mordenti Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Morris Family LHS Scholarship
Morris Family LHS Vocational Scholarship
Tamzen K. Myers Memorial Trust Scholarship
Joe Patacsil Scholarship
Al and Ruth Pettit Basketball Scholarship
Pioneer High School Scholarship Endowment
Max Quirk Family Scholarship in Memory of Birtie and Patricia
Donald F. & Nancy L. Rutschmann Scholarship
Frederick A. Sabatini I.U. Scholarship
Mary E. Sanderson Scholarship Endowment
Brad Scott Memorial Scholarship
William Sellers Memorial Scholarship
Oris Shanks Scholarship
Theda and Kenneth Sheetz Family Scholarship
Linda Terrel Scholarship Fund
Harriet L. and Glen R. Thompson Music Scholarship
Kassandra M. Todd Memorial Scholarship
Frank E. Tolbert Prize in Public Speaking Scholarship
Tony Vesh Scholarship
Lorena Walling Scholarship Endowment Fund
Cyrus and Mary Weaver Nurses Scholarship Fund
Mark Wolfe Scholarship
Pass Through Scholarship Funds
Suanne Schwering Scholarship Fund
Two Rivers Writing Award Scholarship Fund
Joe Allen Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lisa Vautaw Arnett Memorial Scholarship Fund
Community State Bank Academic Leadership Fund
Kristopher Fisher Memorial Fund
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #71 Pass-Through Scholarship
Ferguson Family Pass-Through Scholarship
Natalie and David Rhodes Memorial Scholarship Fund
Tom Helms Scholarship Fund
Sue Moser Memorial Scholarship
Pastors United of Cass-County Churches Scholarship Fund
Andrew Vermeersch Memorial Scholarship Pass-Through
Dean Winegardner Entrepreneurial Scholarship