Grant application forms are available under the tabs labeled About and Publications at the top of the page.
Thanks to generous donations from Cass County citizens, as well as effective stewardship and fiscal management of unrestricted funds, CCCF has continued to consistently meet the community’s needs through awarding grants. Non-profit, 501(c) (3) organizations serving Cass County are encouraged to apply for funding for projects which benefit the community and improve the quality of life in Cass County.
Each year the Community Foundation makes numerous grants to organizations to assist them in their important work, projects and dreams.
Our grant-making is focused on the following three areas of interest:
Promoting Education, Enhancing Humanity, Advancing Community Development
Any not for profit organization that does business in Cass County may apply for a grant so long as the grant will benefit the citizens of Cass County. The applying organization must have a defined purpose, leadership, and the organizational structure to carry out the proposed grant. The applying organization must have an IRS 501(c)3 designation. The applying organization may be applying on behalf of another charitable community organization if they are partnering on the project.
What does CCCF NOT Fund?
Grants will not be made for the following:
For operating money except for startups or seed money
To religious organizations unless the purpose of the grant is for the general good of the community. This would include things like soup kitchens, day care, etc. that would be made available to the general public
To tax supported organizations unless the request is for something that would not be funded from tax revenues. Grants will not be made to fund legally mandated items or infrastructure.
View our historical listing of grant recipients here.

Opportunity Grants
For projects of $5,000 or less that will have a positive impact in our community. Applications are due in June each year with awards announced in July. The application will be posted here when the grant cycle is open.
2023 grant recipients
The total awarded in 2023 was $34,218.57, up from $33,234.20 the previous year.
Cass County Council on Aging/ Senior Center, $837 for a new computer
Cass County Humane Society/Pets R Us, $4,985.00 for maintenance equipment
Caston School FFA, $4,940 to update tools
Galveston Volunteer Fire Dept., $4,472 for pneumatic lifting bags
Lewis Cass Youth Football, $5,000 for a storage shed for equipment
Logansport HG/LOLA City Art, $3,275.57 for a sculpture multi-day workshop
Logansport Soccer Club, $3,530 for field equipment
State Theatre Preservation Society, $4,920 for a public pocket park
Women at the Well Recovery House, $2,259.00 for a security system

Competitive Grants
For projects of $5,001 or greater that will have a positive impact in our community. Applications are due in June each year with awards announced in September. The application will be posted here when the grant cycle is open.
2023 grant recipients
The total awarded in 2023 was $309,611.50, up from $176,840.26 the previous year.
Twelve Mile Community Building, $20,000 for paving their parking lot
Cass County 4H Association, $29,879 for water treatment and repairs to exhibition building
Lewis Cass Band Boosters, $39,987 for new instruments
Galveston Fire Department, $44,882.50 for new fire protection gear
State Theatre Preservation Society, $36,499 for new digital video suite equipment
Young America Lions Club, $38,364 for a new ice cream freezer
Pioneer FFA/Royal Center VFD, $100,000 for a new greenhouse for FFA